BPA-Free Plastic Water Bottles: What Exactly Does That Mean?



Whether you’re talking about regular water bottles or personalized water bottles, there’s always one common detail written on the label of most of these products—BPA-free. In fact, many consumers look for that label relating it to safety and quality. But do you know what BPA-free actually means?

What is BPA?

Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a type of chemical that was first discovered in the 1890s and used widely in the manufacturing of plastics and resins. Chemists discovered that mixing BPA with other compounds will help create stronger plastic products, which is why most of the plastic products that we use today contain BPA. This chemical is more prominently used in making polycarbonate plastics such as food storage containers, baby bottles, and plastic water bottles.

Unfortunately, the use of BPA in these products has been proven to cause health issues, especially when they come in contact with food. According to studies, BPA can seep into the food or drink you put inside the containers and contaminate them.

Being constantly exposed to BPA can affect your energy level, growth, cell repair, and even reproduction. Some studies also suggest that women with high BPA content in their blood are more prone to frequent miscarriages.

What are the benefits of BPA-free water bottles?

Choosing BPA-free personalized water bottles is very important because you get to enjoy these benefits:

✔ BPA-free water bottles don’t contain harmful chemicals.

Constant exposure to BPA through food and water can pose serious health risks to you and your family. And since you regularly consume water, drinking from BPA-free water bottles means you’re not exposing your family to these harmful chemicals.

✔ BPA-free water bottles are more environmentally friendly.

Did you know that Americans buy at least 42.6 billion water bottles each year? With such considerable consumption, there’s also the problem of plastic waste around the country. But BPA-free personalized water bottles are considered more eco-friendly, which means that you’re contributing to the efforts to save the environment. Some of these BPA-free plastic bottles are even recyclable.

✔ BPA-free water bottles are safe for your children.

According to several studies, children are at the highest risk of the effects of BPA. So, if you have children, it’s best to go for BPA-free plastic water bottles to protect them from any health issues in the long run.

Finally, if you’re a business that sells products in personalized water bottles or offer them as freebies, choosing a BPA-free water bottle is more sustainable. It doesn’t only show your customers that you’re committed to their safety but also means that your business is committed to sustainability. Investing in these BPA-free personalized water bottles can also help you sell your products faster because more consumers are now aware of the benefits of choosing BPA-free products over conventional ones.

At the end of the day, choosing BPA-free products is a conscious decision that will allow you, your family, and even your consumers to live a long and healthier life. So, why not go for BPA-free products? Call The Water Depot today and order your BPA-free personalized water bottles today!