Four Perfect Special Events for Water Bottle Advertising



Finding ways to advertise your business in a tasteful but effective way is the true challenge of creative marketing. At the Water Depot Inc., we’ve found that providing potential customers and clients with something they’ll actually need and use while spreading your good name is always a wise tactic. And who doesn’t need a cold, refreshing bottle of water every once in a while? Here are some of the best places we’ve found to share your company’s message on a water bottle and provide a meaningful service that will find you success in return.


Sporting Events

Whether you choose to be a sponsor at a non-profit 5k or marathon, a tennis match, soccer or football game, or golf tournament, both the athletes and the spectators are going to become thirsty. Sporting events are a great place to share your brand with a large group of people quickly and foster goodwill for your business. This is especially true if you’re offering your bottled water for free or at a fraction of the cost of concession stand bottled water.



Providing branded water at a seminar or training meeting that belongs to your industry is a great way to introduce your company to other like-minded people who might not have heard of you before. You often don’t need to be a sponsor to offer branded water bottles, either. Many seminars allow for donations and promotional material to be included.


School/University Job Fairs

Job fairs are some of the best places to discover fresh talent to become part of your business. Advertising your company at a job fair is a long-term investment; by introducing yourself to potential candidates, you open your company to growth from hiring as well as sales. People will remember your company through your brand and the service you provide: job searching can be thirsty work.


Trade Shows

Like seminars but much more sales and service-oriented, trade shows are great venues to share your unique platform and talent. Trade shows and conventions are notorious for their high bottled water prices, so make an immediate connection with people who visit your booth by sharing water with your brand attached.

It’s easy to make an impression on potential customers and clients with a bottle of water with your brand name attached. Let the Water Depot Inc. help you put your message into people hands with our selection of water bottle sizes and label designs today!


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