Custom Labeled Water Bottles: How to Use them for Your Car Dealership’s Marketing

As a car dealership, you’re up against some tough competition, so it’s crucial to be creative with your marketing strategy. Luckily, there’s no need for a lot of money to ensure your dealership gets noticed. One of the easiest ways to promote your business while offering that extra service to your customers is by using personalized water bottles.

When can you use branded water bottles?

A custom water bottle is a versatile marketing product since it can be used in different situations. For instance, you can make it a standard to give personalized water bottles to everyone who walks into your car dealership, whether they buy something or not. People carrying around these branded water bottles will be good exposure for your brand. It will also impress customers with a simple gesture that will leave a good thought about your brand.

You can also use these branded water bottles as refreshments during your events. For instance, if you’re organizing a car show, you can set up a hydration station where you can place these branded water bottles for people to grab whenever they feel thirsty.

What are the benefits of using branded water bottles?

People easily recognize water bottles since most of them use them every day. So, having custom bottled water as part of your promotional product is a great way to get your brand recognized by many consumers. Since water bottles are easy to carry around, they’re a cost-effective way to advertise your dealership, where many people can see your brand in a broader location without breaking your budget.

Branded water bottles are also cheaper than other offline advertising, including print ads, radio, or TV. This means you can considerably save on your marketing costs while still getting the desired results. You need to contact companies like The Water Depot to order your branded water bottles according to your chosen design to reflect your brand, and you won’t have to spend a lot of money on it.

And if you think about it, giving away personalized water bottles is a smart way to give back to your community because they’re not only promotional items but also an excellent strategy to encourage people to keep themselves hydrated. You can use these water bottles for charity events, corporate functions, and other events that you’re organizing to promote your brand and give back to the community helping you with your business.


Every successful business finds branding to be a crucial part of its success. Still, you don’t need to spend millions to get recognized as a car dealership. You need to be smart about your promotional materials and invest in products like personalized water bottles to help you get the exposure that you need.