Why Bottled Water Advertising Makes Sense

Woman holding water bottle

A report from the International Bottled Water Association states that, according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation, “bottled water will surpass [carbonated soft drinks] to become the number one beverage in America by early 2017.” Another fact from that report: sales of bottled water in 2015 totaled $14.2 billion—that’s over $38.9 million every day.

With that much bottled water in circulation, it’s clear that for many Americans, the next bottle of water is never far away. And according to Pricenomics, after customers finish a bottle of water, they often “refill it at the tap . . . [T]he value of bottled water did not disappear along with its contents. Maybe, the vessel itself was worth something.” This makes the labels on those bottles prime real estate for advertising, creating a constant reminder of your brand throughout the day.

Whether you offer customers bottled water in your lobby or waiting room, hand out bottles to athletes or spectators at a sporting event you sponsor, or simply want to sell a house brand of water at your restaurant or store, The Water Depot will help you create beautiful, professional custom labels that will display your brand in a way that is unobtrusive and useful to customers, promoting positive associations.

Take a look at our products when you’re ready to get started.


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